Vision and Mission
As the voice of the UK potato processing industry, our mission is to represent the interests of our members through active engagement with key stakeholders to ensure consumer confidence in our products.
- To ensure that the UK maintains a world‐leading potato processing industry that is technologically advanced, socially & environmentally responsible, competitive, and sustainable.
Mission Statement
- As the voice of the UK potato processing industry, our mission is to promote and protect the interests, values and concerns of our members through active engagement with HM Government, Devolved Administrations and all relevant stakeholder organisations in the UK and the EU.
Through our work we aim to
- Ensure consumer confidence in our products by providing factual information about our products, with respect to health and wellness, food safety, and sustainability.
- Provide a platform to facilitate cross-industry co-operation (within the limits of the competition law) to help our members address challenges facing the sector.
- Support the use of self-regulation where possible, but also ensure that if legislation is set it is both proportionate and practicable.
- Discover innovation opportunities and help drive progress within the sector.